CES Writing Protocols: Mandatory for all students in all programs (for credit or audit)

The leadership of CES believes that part of a solid Christian education is learning how to write well.
Under the subheading, The Importance of English Grammar and Syntax, in the chapter titled, "Clearing the Cobwebs from My Mental Attic," J. P. Moreland argues that: . . . language development is critical for cultivating a careful, precise, attentive mind. Most people today do not use good grammar or syntax in sentence construction. . . . The devaluation of grammar correlates closely with a devaluation of the mind, truth, and thought. When a main purpose of a language is the careful, precise expression of thought, grammar and syntax become critical because they make such expression of thought possible. If we Christians are to develop our minds, we must take greater care to improve our syntax and grammar, and we must expect this from each other. From years of experience grading student papers, I can tell you that if a student's grammar is poor, he or she has a difficult time developing a coherent line of thought clearly and carefully (Love Your God with All Your Mind. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1997, p. 112).

Every school has its particular requirements for academic writing, and to be successful in their classes, students must know what those requirements are. Over the years, we have determined that a course in academic writing should be required for all students, regardless of their degree level. This class can be taken at anytime during the program but students must complete this class before they begin their thesis or dissertation. The primary materials (audio lectures and PDF notes) for this class are available on the Documents and Forms section of the website.

CES Writing Protocols covers the basics of writing and academic style.

WP-300 - 4SH or 2SH (for undergraduates)

WP-500 - 4SH or 2SH (for Master's level students)

WP-700 - 4SH or 2SH (for Doctoral students)

Required resources:

Audio Lectures & Writing Protocols Lecture Notes, by Rick Walston.
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
, by Kate L. Turabian.
Working With Words: A Handbook for Media Writers and Editors
, by Brian S. Brooks, James L. Pinson, Jean Gaddy Wilson.

For Credit or Audit

Students may take the CES WRITING PROTOCOLS class for credit, or they may audit it.

  1.         For credit: Students will gain the most information and learning from this option. In fact, students may take this class more than one time for credit. When they do, of course, they shall incorporate other texts and research materials so that are not simply duplicating the initial class.
  2.         For Audit: Students may take this class as an audit. In this case, they will list the class on their Learning Contracts, but they will list it as an audited class. There is a flat fee of $200 to audit this class, and the student still must pass the final exam. No credit is given for an audit.
  3.          Exam Retake Fee: Students must pass this exam with a "C+" or higher. Should the student receive a grade lower than a "C+," he/she must retake the exam within 45 days, and there is a $50 fee for all Exam Retakes.


AP-101 Apologetics I 4SH
An introduction to logical reasoning concerning belief in the Christian faith. Evidence is presented for the resurrection, deity of Christ, and the existence of God.

AP-102 Biblical Inerrancy 4SH
Investigates the Inerrancy of the Bible.

AP-103 Young Earth vs. Old Earth Debate 4SH
A course in which the evidences and issues are weighed.

AP-201 Apologetics II 4SH
Examines many evidences for the truth of the
Christian faith.

AP-202 Evolution and Fossil Record 4SH
This course presents evidence against the evolutionary model supposedly supported by the fossil record.

AP-301 Cults 4SH
Examines and critiques various non-Christian cults in light of God's Word, includes Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, and Unity.

AP-302 Mormonism 4SH
An in-depth examination of Mormon doctrine. Their history, heresies, and practices will be examined.

AP-303 Jehovah's Witnesses 4SH
An in-depth study of the Jehovah's Witnesses, their history and heresies.

AP-304 Oneness Pentecostalism 4SH
An in-depth study of the Oneness
Pentecostalism, their history and heresies.

AP-305 The Occult 4SH
Discusses and critiques the world of the secret or hidden arts, such as Satanism, witchcraft, demon possession, and ESP, along with other aspects of the occult.

AP-306 The New Age Movement 4SH
This course studies the rise of Eastern mysticism in Western culture under the guise of the New Age Movement.

AP-307 World Views 4SH
This course refutes those world views that deny God's existence or deny that man can know God, such as atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, existentialism, Communism, and humanism.

AP-308 World Religions 4SH
The teachings and practices of the world's main religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

AP-309 God and Science 4SH
Provides scientific evidence for the existence of God.

AP-401 Scientific Apologetics 4SH
Explores the scientific evidences for the Christian faith. Evolution is refuted while a scientific case for Christianity is proposed and defended.

AP-402 Historical Apologetics 4SH
Historical evidences for the Christian faith are examined. Included in this course will be the inspiration and reliability of the Bible, the resurrection and deity of Christ.

AP-403 The Reliability of the Gospels 4SH
Scholarly evidence is provided to support the argument that the four Gospels are historically accurate and reliable documents.

AP-404 Philosophical Apologetics 4SH
Main world views are tested, and historical evidences are discussed.

AP-405 History of the Creation-Evolution Debate 4SH
This course surveys the long history of the debate between evolutionists and creationists.

AP-406 Apologetic Methodology 4SH
A study of competing approaches to doing Christian apologetics.

AP-407 Postmodernism 4SH
A study of postmodernism and its effect upon the Christian church.

AP-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Christian apologetics.

AP-501 or AP-701 Apologetics III 4SH
This course provides evidence for God's existence, Christ's resurrection and deity, and the inspiration of the Bible.

AP-502 or AP-702 Biblical Inerrancy 4SH
Investigates the writings of several evangelical scholars who defend the doctrine that the Bible is free of errors.

AP-503 or AP-703 Scientific Apologetics 4SH
A scientific case against evolution and a scientific case for creation is carefully examined.

AP-504 or AP-704 The Genesis Flood 4SH
An overview of the scientific evidences for the universal flood, as recorded in the book of Genesis.

AP-505 or AP-705 Science vs Religion 4SH
Presents the view held by some that science and religion cannot be harmonized.

AP-506 or AP-706 Historical Apologetics 4SH
Provides historical evidences for the Christian faith. Special evidences for the defense of the resurrection of Christ are given.

AP-507 or AP-707 Advanced Philosophical Apologetics 4SH
Philosophical evidences are stressed, a proper methodology is discovered, world views are tested, and historical evidences are discussed.
AP-508 or AP-708 Cults 4SH
Examines various cults including Mormonism,
Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Science.

AP-509 or AP-709 World Religions 4SH
An exploration of the history, beliefs, and practices of the world's major religions. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism are just a few of the religions discussed.

AP-510 or AP-710 The New Age Movement 4SH
Exposes the pantheistic antiChristian beliefs of the New Age Movement.

AP-511 or AP-711 Secular Religion 4SH
Reviews many humanistic belief systems.

AP-690 Master's Thesis 8 SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Christian apologetics.

AP-600 or AP-800 The Apologetics of Craig 4SH
The apologetic method of William Lane Craig.

AP-601 or AP-801 The Apologetics of Geisler 4SH
The apologetic method of Norman Geisler.

AP-602 or AP-802 The Apologetics of Schaeffer 4SH
The apologetic method of Francis Schaeffer.

AP-603 or AP-803 The Apologetics of C. S. Lewis 4SH
The apologetic works of C. S. Lewis.

AP-604 or AP-804 The Apologetics of Montgomery 4SH
The apologetic method of Montgomery.

AP-605 or AP-805 The Apologetics of Moreland 4SH
The apologetic method of J. P. Moreland.

AP-606 or AP-806 The Apologetics of Martin 4SH
The apologetic method of Walter Martin.
AP-607 or AP-807 The Apologetics of Van Til 4SH
The apologetic method of Cornelius Van Til.

AP-890 Doctoral Dissertation 8 SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Christian apologetics.


BL-500 Introduction to Biblical Greek 4SH
This introduction to Koine Greek familiarizes the student with a rich assortment of biblical language tools, commentaries, and reference works. Primary goals will be to gain a modest vocabulary of Greek words and develop a limited ability to evaluate translations and commentaries. (suggested text, Greek for the Rest of Us, by William Mounce)

BL-501 Greek Grammar I 4SH
Introduces the Greek alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar, using exercises gleaned from the New Testament. The goal of this course is for the student to learn the basics of Greek grammar and the basic Greek verb paradigms in preparation for reading the Greek New Testament. (suggested text, Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, by William D. Mounce, and Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, by William Mounce)

BL-502 Greek Grammar Prerequisite II 4 SH
The student will continue to learn Greek vocabulary and grammar throughout this course. The objective is to complete Greek grammar and to learn the major Greek verb paradigms. (suggested text, Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, by William D. Mounce, and Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, by William Mounce)

BL-503 Greek Syntax and Exegesis 4SH
Introducing the second year of Greek is the full process of interpreting the Greek New Testament. Objectives include recognizing literary devices and their contributions to the meaning of a passage, word/theme studies, and textual criticism. The student is required to write exegetical papers on various passages. (suggested text, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament, by Daniel Wallace, and other books to be determined)

BL-504 Greek Syntax and Exegesis 4SH
A continuation of BL-503. (suggested text, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament, by Daniel Wallace, and other books to be determined)

More classes in Greek can be developed between the student and the mentor should the student wish to do more studies in specific areas of Greek studies.

BL-505 Introduction to Hebrew 4SH A summary of the basic structure and grammar of biblical Hebrew, and introduction to the basic tools necessary for translating the biblical text and for doing Hebrew word studies. (suggested text, to be determined).

BL-506 Hebrew Grammar I
Introducing the Hebrew alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar. (suggested text, Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, by Gary D. Pratico & Miles V. Van Pelt, and Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook, by Gary D. Pratico & Miles V. Van Pelt)

BL-507 Hebrew Grammar II
A continuation of BL-506 and of Hebrew grammar. More Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. Will continue to give the skills necessary for translating the Hebrew Bible and become the basis for developing competence in exegesis. (suggested text, Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, by Gary D. Pratico & Miles V. Van Pelt, and Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook, by Gary D. Pratico & Miles V. Van Pelt)

BL-508 Hebrew Grammar III
Built upon the basis of BL-506 and BL-507, this class completes the Hebrew grammar sequence. More Hebrew vocabulary will be developed as well as achieving the necessary skills to begin developing competence in Hebrew exegesis. (suggested text, to be determined).

More classes in Hebrew can be developed between the student and the mentor should the student wish to do more studies in specific areas of Hebrew studies.


BI-101 New Testament Survey 4SH
A survey of the New Testament with attention to the author, background, theme, and content of each book.

BI-102 Old Testament Survey 4SH
A survey of the Old Testament with attention to the author, background, theme, and content of each book.

BI-150 Life and Teachings of Christ 4SH
The life and teachings of Christ as recorded in the Gospels in light of the historical-cultural-geographical settings of the first century.

BI-201 Romans 4SH
Special emphasis upon the theological concepts of law, righteousness, justification, and sanctification.

BI-202 Galatians 4SH
A study of the major themes of the book.

BI-203 Gospel of John 4SH
The life, character, and ministry of Jesus are examined in both their historical and divine contexts as presented by John the Evangelist.

BI-250 Old Testament Historical Books 4SH
An interpretive study of the historical books of the Old Testament from Joshua through Esther. This course covers a period of about 1,000 years, from the entrance of the children of Israel into the Promised Land until their return from Exile.

BI-251 Hebrew Poetry 4SH
A study of Old Testament poetry with special emphasis upon Psalms and the Song of Solomon. An analysis of the rhythm of thought and parallelism characteristic of Hebrew poetry is discussed.

BI-301 Biblical Introduction I 4SH
An introduction to the process of divine inspiration and compilation of the biblical text.

BI-302 Biblical Introduction II 4SH
A continuation of the study of Biblical Introduction I: the transmission, and translations of the Bible.

BI-351 Book of Acts 4SH
The ministry of the Early Church, and of the risen Christ through the Holy Spirit.

BI-352 First Corinthians 4SH
A biblical commentary is the text for this course; thus the material is covered in rich detail. Several themes become apparent, including, spiritual maturity, Christian unity, spiritual gifts, and more.

BI-401 Old Testament Prophets I 4SH
Old Testament prophets and the nature of Old Testament prophecy. Special emphasis is placed on the origin and development of O.T. prophecy, the function of the prophet, true and false prophets, and more.

BI-402 Old Testament Prophets II 4SH
A continuation of the study of Old Testament Prophets I: a look at each of the Old Testament prophets.

BI-410 Biblical Inerrancy 4SH
A research of the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible.

BI-450 Pentateuch 4SH
Attention is given to the unity of the Pentateuch.

BI-451 Biblical Hermeneutics 4SH
Designed to familiarize the student with biblical interpretation. Special emphasis upon exegesis in light of history, grammar, and theological content.

BI-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in biblical studies.

BI-501 or BI-701 Biblical Inspiration 4SH
An in-depth study of inspiration. This course discusses contemporary theories of inspiration.

BI-502 or BI-702 Biblical Canonization 4SH
Discusses the discovery and recognition of canonicity, the Old Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, among other areas related to canonization.

BI-503 or BI-703 Biblical Transmission 4SH
Areas concerning the transmission of the Bible are dealt with. Subjects include languages of the Bible, manuscript transmission, preparation, preservation, and more.

BI-504 or BI-704 Biblical Translation 4SH
Provides materials necessary to understand the development of some of the various translations of the Bible. Included are studies concerning the Latin version, and the development of some of the modern English translations.

BI-505 or BI-705 Biblical Inerrancy 4SH
A thorough research of the doctrine of the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible. Some of the topics include Christ's view of Scripture, the Apostles' view of Scripture, higher criticism, and the inerrancy of the autographa.

BI-506 or BI-706 New Testament Exegesis 4SH
Subjects include contextual analysis, syntactical analysis, and verbal analysis. Also, a rich discussion of exegetical fallacies is explored.

Courses in Biblical Exegesis

These courses involve students in exegetical studies in the various books of the Bible. Students are required to do exegesis on certain passages and chapters. This requires students to outline, research, and write from their findings. Also, students will study these books in a commentary fashion. Some of the texts that are required are commentaries from The New International Commentary on the New Testament, published by Eerdmans and other texts to be determined.

BI-510/710    Matthew 4SH

    Mark 4SH

    Luke 4SH 

   John 4SH

    Acts 4SH 

    Romans 4SH 

    I Cor 4SH 

    II Cor 4SH

    Galatians 4SH 

    Ephesians 4SH

      Phil 4SH 

      1 Col 4SH

    1&2 Thess 4SH         

BI-523/723    1&2 Tim, Tim&Phil 4SH

    Hebrews 4SH                 

BI-525/725    James 4SH

    1&2 Peter 4SH         

BI-527/727    1, 2, 3 Jn&Jude 4SH

    Revelation 4SH
This method of study can be applied to the Old Testament books. Though only five books are mentioned below, any book of the Old Testament may be studied. A scholarly commentary must be used in the study of the O.T. books.

BI-650/850   Genesis 4SH         

BI-651/851   Exodus 4SH

Deut 4SH          

BI-653/853    Joshua 4SH

    Job 4SH
BI-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Bible or biblical studies.

BI-690 Master's Thesis 8 SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Bible or biblical studies.

BI-890 Doctoral Dissertation 8 SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Bible or biblical studies.


CC-400 or CC-600 Establishing a Lay Counseling Ministry 4SH A study of spiritual, administrative, and counselee qualification aspects of establishing a lay counseling ministry.

CC-401 or CC-601 Biblical Counseling I 4SH

CC-402 or CC-602 Biblical Counseling II 4SH

CC-403 or CC-603 Biblical Marriage Counseling I 4SH

CC-404 or CC-604 Biblical Marriage Counseling II 4SH

CC-405 or CC-605 Divorce and Remarriage Counseling 4SH

CC-406 or CC-606 Healing Emotional Hurts 4SH

CC-407 or CC-607 Agape Therapy 4SH

CC-408 or CC-608 Pastoral Counseling 4SH

CC-409 or CC-609 Resolving Personal & Spiritual Conflicts 4SH

CC-410 or CC-610 Christian Care for Eating Disorders 4SH

CC-411 or CC-611 Christian Counseling for the Abused 4SH


Though we have only a few courses in Biblical Counseling listed in this catalog, we do have mentors who can work with students in biblical/Christian counseling at all degree levels and in many different areas. More courses may be developed by students and their mentors.
Also, there are various certificate-level programs that are offered through distance learning by a few reputable organizations. CES students may take one or more of these programs and incorporate them into their counseling studies with CES for credit. Here are three such organizations:

1.        Institute of Pastoral Counseling from EMERGE Ministries, 900 Mull Avenue, Akron OH 44313, (800) 621-5207, Email: emerge@emerge.org. URL: http://www.emerge.org

2.        American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), PO Box 739, Forest, VA 24551, (800) 526-8673; they have several valuable Certificate programs. Email: contactmemberservices@aacc.net. URL: http://www.aacc.net

Institute for Nouthetic Studies
, 201 Batesview Drive, Greenville, SC 29607, phone: (864) 233-3297. Email: donnarms@nouthetic.org. URL: http://www.nouthetic.org
Student Testimonial
From North Carolina
When I first considered distance education, I did not realize how much selfdiscipline and effort it was going to take. I have spent many years in educational settings, and I must say that I believe that CES is one of the best distance learning seminaries in the country. I would like to thank CES for having the vision and the desire to develop such a program. With God's continued support, you can and will continue to produce graduates that are well prepared and capable of shepherding Christ's church. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professor and mentor. Thank you for being my go-toguy. Whenever I needed help, you were right there with the answers. Though our relationship started of as student/professor, it has developed into a friendship. God Bless.-Wayne Beatty D.Min. with CES, (Sergeant with the Wake County Sheriff's Dept., B.S. criminal science, and Master of Public Administration).


CP-101 or CP-301 Introduction to Philosophy 4SH Covers in a reference-
survey the field of philosophy. Subjects such as epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and ethics are discussed.

CP-102 or CP-302 Introduction to Philosophies and Philosophers 4SH
This course presents a broad overview of the various important Christian philosophies and philosophers.

CP-103 or CP-303 World Views 4SH Examines and discusses Theism, Atheism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Deism, Finite Godism, and Polytheism.

CP-201 or CP-401 Logic 4SH
Defines logic, discusses deductive and inductive reasoning, lists formal and informal fallacies, and examines the scientific method.

CP-202 or CP-402 Ethics 4SH
Examines and critiques moral relativism, proposes and defends a Christian view of right and wrong, and deals with particular ethical issues.

CP-203 or CP-403 History of Philosophy I 4SH
A historical study of Greek philosophers from Thales to the Neoplatonists.

CP-204 or CP-404 History of Philosophy II 4SH
Philosophies of the Middle Ages from Philo to William of Occam.

CP-205 or CP-405 History of Philosophy III 4SH
Examines the history of philosophy from René Descartes to today.

CP-406 or CP-606 Philosophy of Religion 4SH An examination of questions that deal with religious experience, religious language, the existence of God, and the problem of evil.

CP-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in Christian philosophy.

CP-501 or CP-701 Philosophy 4SH
An examination of epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and ethics.

CP-502 or CP-702 Ethics 4SH
Reviews options in ethics, then examines contemporary ethical issues such as abortion, cloning, euthanasia, war, divorce and remarriage, and capital punishment.

CP-503 or CP-703 Faith and Reason 4SH
Explores philosophical questions having implications for the rationality of religious beliefs.

CP-504 or CP-704 Miracles 4SH
Examines philosophically if miracles are possible. Emphasis is placed on providing evidences for Christ's resurrection from the dead.

CP-505 or CP-705 World Views 4SH
Reviews and refutes Atheism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Deism, Finite Godism, and Polytheism, and gives a defense of a theistic world view.

CP-506 or CP-706 The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas 4SH A study of the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.

CP-690 Master's Thesis 8 SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in philosophy.

CP-601 or CP-801 Philosophy of Religion 4SH
An examination of religious experience, religious language, the existence of God, and the problem of evil.

CP-602 or CP-802 The Concept of God 4SH Explores philosophical theology.
It specifically focuses on historic and contemporary discussions on the attributes of God.

CP-603 or CP-803 The Existence of God 4SH
Examines many arguments for and against the existence of God.

CP-604 or CP-804 History of Philosophy (advanced) 4SH
Advanced course requiring the student to engage in extensive research in the history of philosophy: ancient Greek philosophers, the philosophers of the middle ages, and modern philosophers.

CP-605 or CP-805 The Problem of Evil 4SH Deals with the enduring problem of how an all-good and all-powerful God could allow evil and human suffering.

CP-606 or CP-806 Philosophical Debate 4SH
Beginning with the study of several major debates, this class culminates in the student engaging in a public debate in defense of the Christian faith.

CP-607 or CP-807 Philosophy of Divine Revelation 4SH
Explores man's ability to receive and understand divine revelation.

CP-890 Doctoral Dissertation 8 SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in philosophy.


HST-101/301 Survey of the History of Christianity I 4SH An overview of the history of Christianity discussing not only historical events but also theological developments.

HST-201/401 Survey of the History of Christianity II 4SH A more in depth overview of the history of Christianity.

HST-302/402 History of Christianity I 4SH A look at Christian history from the apostles to the eve of the reformation.

HST-303/403 History of Christianity II 4SH
A look at Christian history from the reformation to the present.

HST-400/500 History of Christian Thought 4SH
A study of the history of the development of Christian doctrine. The development of such Christian doctrines as Trinitarianism, Christology, Soteriology and the Church are covered.

HST-502/702 History of the Medieval Church 4SH
A survey of historical and theological developments from the fall of Rome to the Reformation.

HST-503/703 The History of the Protestant Reformation 4SH
A survey of the major events, individuals, and issues of the Reformation.

HST-504/704 Puritanism 4SH
After an introductory survey of the history of Puritanism from Scotland's John Knox to America's Jonathan Edwards, this course is a detailed study of the doctrine and spirituality of the Puritans.

HST-505/705 American Christianity 4SH A survey of the development of
Christianity in America. Major theological movements to be studied include the Puritan era, the First and Second Great Awakenings, New England Theology, Unitarianism, Transcendentalism, Dispensationalism, Perfectionism, Fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, and Neo-Evangelicalism.

HST-506/706 Modern Christianity 4SH A survey of the development of
Christianity after the Reformation. This course covers the rise of Orthodoxy and Pietism, the Great Awakenings and the development of Revivalism, Denominationalism, the modern missionary movement, and the ecumenical movement, within the context of a developing modern secularism. Particular attention is paid to the influences of the Enlightenment, Idealism, and Existentialism upon the Christian witness.

HST-508/708 Reformers before the Reformation 4SH
A study of the various approaches which were taken for the reformation of the church in the late middle ages, including officially sanctioned measures and illegal "grass roots" movements.

HST-600/800 The Defense and Propagation of the faith in the Early Church 4SH
Beginning with a careful examination of Paul's Areopagus address, this course analyses and evaluates the defense of the faith by Ignatius, Athenagoras, Justin Martyr, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and the author of the "Epistle to Diognetus."

HST-601/801 The Reformation in Switzerland 4SH
A careful study of the history and theology of the Swiss reformation. (The History and Character of Calvinism, by John T. McNeill, Zwingli and Bullinger, ed. G. Bromley and other selected primary source texts in English translation)

HST-602/802 The Reformation in Germany 4SH
A careful study of the history and theology of the German reformation from pre-Luther to the rise of German Pietism, including the development of Reformed theology at Heidelberg. Not a repetition of TH512/712.

HST-603/803 Anabaptism and the Radical Reformation 4SH
A survey of the very diverse and significant movement which included men such as Menno Simmons, Caspar Schwenkfeld, and Fausto Socinus.

HST-604/804 The Reformation in Great Britain 4SH A careful study of the history and theology of Protestantism in Scotland and England from its origins to the reign of James I.

HST-605/805 Colonial Christianity 4SH A study of Christianity in America to the Revolution.

HST-606/806 Awakening and Enlightenment 4SH
A study of the Evangelical Revival which took place in the 18th Century and its relation to the rise of modern secularism.


HTH-400 or HTH-600 Introduction to Historical Theology 4SH 

HTH-401 or HTH-601 Readings in the History of Christian Spirituality 4SH A historical/theological study of the Christian life. Will include careful reading and analysis of portions of several Christian "classics" and valuable lesser known works.

HTH-500 or HTH-700 A History of Hermeneutics 4SH
An examination of the changing presuppositions, principles, and techniques for the interpretation of Holy Scripture from Apostolic times to the present.

HTH-501 or HTH-701 The Doctrine of God in History 4SH
Beginning with New Testament times, this course examines the development of the doctrine of God to the present.

HTH-502 or HTH-702 Christ in History 4SH
A historical or theological survey of the doctrine of the person and work of Christ.

HTH-503 or HTH-703 The Doctrine of Man in History 4SH
A survey and critique of the various ways in which Christians have understood man's nature, fall, and restoration.

HTH-504 or HTH-704 The Church at Worship 4SH A survey of the theological basis and practice of Christian worship from Apostolic times to the present. Areas of particular emphasis may be chosen by students in consultation with their mentors.

HTH-505 or HTH-705 The Christian Hope 4SH
Traces the development of eschatology across the centuries.

HTH-506 or HTH-706 The Theology of Augustine 4SH

HTH-507 or HTH-707 The Theology of Calvin 4SH

HTH-508/708 The Theology of Luther 4SH

HTH-509/709 The Theology of John Wesley 4SH

HTH-510/710 The Theology of John Owen 4SH

HTH-511/711 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards 4SH

HTH-512/712 The Theology of Jacob Arminius 4SH

HTH-513/713 The Theology of John Wesley 4SH

HO-400 Introduction to Christian Public Speaking 4SH
The student will learn the theory and practice of speaking in public.

HO-401 Biblical Interpersonal Communications 4SH
The course covers the theory and practice of relating to other people.

HO-402 Persuasion for Preaching 4SH
The course is an introduction to persuasion theories to give a background for persuasive preaching.

HO-403 Basic Homiletics 4SH
The course covers the fundamentals of how to prepare and deliver a sermon.

HO-405 History of Preaching 4SH
The course slips through the centuries and listens in on many great preachers of the past.

HO-406 Evangelistic Preaching 2SH
The course provides insight and helpful hints on how to structure and present sermons that present the gospel.

HO-407 Practical Preaching 4SH
This course is a self-study guide to improving your preaching. The student will be preparing and preaching 12 sermons while learning how to better communicate them to the audience.

HO-408 Historical Preachers 4SH
The course offers a look into the lives and preaching styles of preachers from biblical times to the present. The course gives the student multiple models of preaching as well as creating a habit of studying sermons. 

HO-501 Biblical Preaching 4SH
This course discusses the tasks and challenges of preaching.

HO-502 The Preacher 4SH
Learning to prepare your heart spiritually to speak the truth in love.

HO-503 Old Testament Preaching 4SH
Considering the problems and blessings of preaching to the church from the Old Testament. The student will prepare at least 10 sermons from the Old Testament.

HO-504 Foundations of New Testament Preaching in the Classical Tradition 4SH
Interpretation of the biblical text that leads to a presentation of the spoken Word. (Biblical Words and Their Meaning, by Moises Silva, and New Testament Interpretation Through Rhetorical Criticism, by George Kennedy).

HO-505 Ethics of Religious Persuasion 4SH
Consideration of the ethical implications of attitude formation and change, especially around evangelistic preaching. (The Ethics of Rhetoric, by Richard Weaver; Ethics in Human Communication, by Richard Johannesen, and Eichmann in Jerusalem, by Hannah Arendt)

HO-600 Art of Preaching 4SH
This course teaches the preacher how to intertwine truth with life for maximum effect in the sermon (Preaching to Convince, by James Berkeley, and The Language of Love, by Gary Smalley and John Trent).

HO-601 Exegetical Preaching 4SH
The student chooses to preach through any book of the Bible. Minimum requirement of 13 sermons. (Toward an Exegetical Theology and Malachi: God's Unchanging Love, by Walter Kaiser)

HO-602 Preaching on Social Issues 4SH
Considering today's news in today's pulpit.


JS-601 The Jewish Roots of Christianity 4SH Jesus was Jewish, His disciples were Jewish, Paul was Jewish, and most of the earliest Christians were also Jewish. Additionally, the Hebrew Bible was the basis upon which the New Testament is based.

JS-602 A History of Christian Anti-Semitism: The Dark Side of the Church 4SH
Provides a clear understanding of the phenomenon of anti-Semitism as originated and fostered by the Christian Church from antiquity through the Middle Ages.

JS-603 Religious Ideologies in Conflict: A Survey of Jewish Anti-Missionary Arguments 4SH
Provides the student with a view toward the arguments used by modern Jewish sources to challenge and dispute Christian missionaries.

JS-604 Modern Anti-Semitism 4SH
Discusses the problem of anti-Semitism in this century: current domestic and worldwide trends in anti-Semitism, "Holocaust Denial," and modern expressions of Christian anti-Semitism as evidenced in the Passion Play.

JS-605 Dead Sea Scrolls 4SH
Introduction to what many believe is the most exciting archeological discovery in recent history.

JS-606 Judaism in Antiquity (Second Temple Era) 4SH Introduction to some important sects of Judaism during the time of Christ: The Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Christians, Sicarii, Zealots, Ebionites, Herodians, and the Therapeutae.

JS-607 The Jewish Festivals 4SH
Introduction to some rabbinic Jewish views of prayer, worship, repentance, and atonement. The festivals will be considered from a biblical basis, and from the traditional basis of the festivals. The Christian interpretations and parallel eschatological views will also be considered.


Students may choose to engage in studies that go beyond the scope of the courses listed in this section under the Jewish Studies Program. This can be done with the mentor's approval by approaching other courses and areas of focus from a perspective sensitive to the Jewish nature or Jewish interest of the subject matter. For instance, church history courses could be tailored to fulfill a Jewish Studies major by focusing attention and reading on the situation of the Jewish people, or the religion of Judaism in the period of church history under investigation.
If a mature/skilled student can envision a profound question about a relationship between Judaism and Christianity, the mentor will seek to help that student develop a course of study to answer that question. The intent of this program is to allow students who are interested in learning about their own Christian faith to do so while working through the Jewish grid that has informed and impacted Christian thought. Since this is a directed studies program, alterations to existing courses can be considered.

Student Testimonial

From Ohio

Three years ago I decided to pursue my doctorate. I felt like I was already reading quite a bit and wanted to have a track to study and also have something to show for the study I was already doing. I am the Lead Pastor of a church that decided two years ago to begin ministering using multiple campuses. This complicated ministry and stress. I decided that I had bitten off more than I could chew and emailed CES to let them know I needed to drop out of the program. Dr. Walston was very patient with me. He talked about the advantages of staying the course and encouraged me to keep trying to put one foot in front of the other. I decided to do one more paper. What I found was there is a certain momentum that builds when pursuing a degree. I almost dropped out because I was at a point where there didn't seem to be much momentum. I was still learning the most efficient way to write a paper and cover the material. I ended up sticking with it and finishing a full 6 months earlier than I thought I would. I owe quite a bit to CES and the encouragement I received. I guess part of the encouragement is that feeling overwhelmed at times is the nature of the beast. It is helpful to have someone who has been through it tell me that it won't continue to feel overwhelming. The clouds do clear. My point is, DO NOT GIVE UP. You are possibly right at the crest of the hill. It really does get better. It really does go faster. It really is worth it. Hang in there and God bless.-Joe Coffey, D.Min. Graduate, December 2009 (Lead Pastor of Hudson Community Chapel)


PM-101/301 Youth Ministry Specialties I 4SH
A study of high school youth ministries.

PM-102/302 Youth Ministry Specialties II 4SH A study of the interrelatedness of the youth ministry within the local church. No ministry is to be isolated from the local church, and the youth ministry is seen as an integral part of the function of the ministry of the church as a whole.

PM-103/303 Youth Ministry Specialties III 4SH
A study of junior high school youth ministries.

PM-104/304 Youth Ministry Specialties IV 4SH
A study that expounds the methods of the recruitment and the training of volunteer workers within the youth ministries.

PM-201/401 Youth Ministry Specialties V 4SH
A study of the theological aspects of the renewal of youth ministries.

PM-202/402 Youth Ministry Specialties VI 4SH
Counseling and ministering to the needs of youth who are passing through difficult time is the focus of this study.

PM-203/403 Youth Ministry Specialties VII 4SH
A study of the various resources that are available to the youth minister.

PM-204/404 Youth Ministry Administration 4SH
A study informing youth workers the most efficient ways to organize and administrate their youth ministries.

PM-205/405 Youth Workers Spirituality 4SH
A study that directs youth workers to keep on the cutting edge of their own spirituality which in turn overflows into the lives of those they minister to.

PM-206/406 American Youth Ministries 4SH
A study of the various aspects of youth ministry within the American culture.

PM-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH
For those who desire to do research and writing, the option of a Bachelor's Thesis in Pastoral Ministry is available. The student will select a topic of ministry and will make proposal of his topic to a mentor.

PM-602/802 Church Conflicts 4SH
Student studies the reasons that conflicts arise in the church even among the finest people. Also, the student studies how to deal with the conflicts that arise.

PM-603/803 Worship 4SH
This study gives a biblical perspective, authentic reverence, and creative stimulation for those interested in renewing worship according to the biblical method.

PM-604/804 Church Growth 4SH
This study proposes that it is the spiritual dimension that is more often the cause of poor church growth. 

PM-605/805 Introduction to Pastoral Principles 4SH
This is a study of the basic principles of leading a church, reaching new people, assimilating converts, counseling and more.

PM-690 Master's Thesis 8SH
For those who desire to do research and writing, the option of a Master's thesis is available. The student will select a topic of study and will make proposal of his topic to a mentor.

PM-890 Doctoral Dissertation 8SH
For those who desire to do research and writing, the optional dissertation is available. The student will select a topic of study and will make proposal of his topic to a mentor.

Student Testimonial

From Kansas

I am a Doctor of Theology student with CES. The courses are challenging, rewarding, and affordable. I especially appreciate the broad exposure to theological material, the concentrated focus that is part of each class, and the opportunity to demonstrate the level of mastery of the material that I have reached. I am thankful for the opportunity to further my education at such a quality institution. May God always bless its ministry.-Joel Dunn, Th.D. Student with CES, and M.Div. graduate from the Nazarene Theological Seminary.


MS-300/500 Missions 4SH An examination of the history of missions. The biographical approach is taken in this study. Discuses both modern and historical key issues in missions.

MS-301/501 Cultural Confrontations 4SH
This course presents a case study of Christianity's impact on world culture. It discusses and defines the impact of the gospel, ethics, and lifestyle.

MS-302/502 Cultural Anthropology and Missions 4SH
This study explores such topics as anthropology and missions, man, culture, and anthropology and the Bible. 

MS-303/503 Missionaries I 4SH
This study takes a look at one particular missionary. The student and mentor select the missionary to study.

MS-304/504 Cross-Cultural Communications 4SH An introduction to missionary communication.

MS-305/505 Women in Missions 4SH This study looks at women in missions. 

MS-306/506 Trends in Missions 4SH
This study gives an evangelical perspective on some of the trends and issues that confront missions.

MS-307/507 Evangelism 4SH
A study that discusses evangelism as more than a set of programs and rules. It is proposed that effective evangelism flows from an effective lifestyle.

MS-309/509 Missions Theology 4SH
This is a study of the theology of missions. Subjects such as the inadequacy of non-Christian religions, the Holy Spirit in missions, and more are discussed.


TH-100 Bible Doctrines I 4SH An overview of the doctrines of Scripture, God, angels, man, and sin.

TH-101 Bible Doctrines II 4SH An overview of the doctrines of Jesus Christ, the atonement, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the last things.

TH 102 or TH 302 Christology 4SH Special discussions on Old Testament
typology and prophecies concerning the present and future work of Jesus Christ. Main theme, the theological perspective of who Christ really is.

TH-103 or TH-303 Trinity 4SH A study of the doctrine of the Trinity.

TH-104 or TH-304 Christ's Resurrection 4SH Evidences for the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus, and how it is attested to in history.

TH-201 or TH-401 Justification 4SH The doctrine of justification.

TH-202 or TH-402 The Holy Spirit 4SH The person, work, and ministry of the
Holy Spirit.

TH-203 or TH-403 Salvation 4SH
A look at some various doctrines of salvation. Included in this study are discussions on repentance, faith, conversion, justification, and more.

TH-204 or TH-404 The History of Redemption 4SH
A study of God's overarching redemptive purposes throughout history.

TH-205 or TH-405 New Testament Theology 4SH A theological tour of the New Testament.

TH-206 or TH-406 Sanctification 4SH Five major Protestant sanctification views are presented.

TH-207 or TH-407 Elemental Systematic Theology 4SH
This study defines theology, gives many of the major topics of systematic theology.

TH-208 or TH-408 Great Bible Doctrines 4SH The great doctrines of God,
Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Man, Salvation and more are covered in this course.

TH-209 or TH-409 Doctrine of Scripture 4SH An introduction to the doctrine of Scripture, the need of Scripture, and the verification of the Bible.

TH-210 or TH-410 God 4SH A study of the existence, nature, and attributes of God.

TH-211 or TH-411 Angels 4SH A study of good angels, wicked angels, and

TH-212 or TH-412 Man 4SH The biblical view of man with special attention to his origin and nature.

TH-213 or TH-413 Sin 4SH
An investigation of sin, how it entered the human race, and its consequences.

TH-214 or TH-414 The Church 4SH
This study explains what the church is, how one becomes a member, and what its function is to be in the world.

TH-215 or TH-415 End Times 4SH Subjects such as death, resurrection, destiny, and the second coming of Christ are discussed.

TH-216 or TH-416 Cults 4SH
An overview of teachings contrary to biblical Christianity, which constitute a cult. It also discusses some of the more prominent cults of our day.

TH-217 or TH-417 Law and Grace 4SH The balance between law and grace.

TH-218 or TH-418 Revival 4SH
A biblical, historical, and practical study of revival.

TH-440 or TH-540 The Speaking in Tongues Controversy 4SH
A review of some of the issues involved in speaking in tongues.

TH-460 or TH-660 Apologetics 4SH A study in the intellectual defense of the
Christian faith.

TH 470 or TH 670 The Resurrection Debate 4SH Research of the orthodox
position of the resurrection of Jesus.

TH-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in theology. 

TH-501 or TH-701 Historical Apologetics 4SH
Introduction to some of the great minds within the Christian faith throughout church history.

TH-502 or TH-702 Old Testament Biblical Theology 4SH
The development of major Old Testament doctrines is explained: God, creation, man, sin, the Messiah, revelation, Satan, and more.

TH-503 or TH-703 Introduction to Systematic Theology 4SH
Includes discussions on formal characteristics of theology and the necessity of doctrines.

TH-504 or TH-704 Bibliology 4SH
The supernatural origin of the Bible, revelation, inspiration, and authority.

TH-505 or TH-705 Theology Proper 4SH
An in-depth research of the identity of God. Arguments for the existence of God such as the cosmological, teleological, and ontological.

TH-506 or TH-706 Trinitarianism 4SH
Included are preexistence of the Son of God, the hypostatic union, and the Deity of the Holy Spirit. 

TH-507 or TH-707 Angelology 4SH The reality and personality of angels and
Satan, and their original state and fall.

TH-508 or TH-708 Biblical Anthropology 4SH
Included in this study is the origin of man, the material part of man, the immaterial part of man, his state of innocence at creation, and his fall from grace.

TH-509 or TH-709 Hamartiology 4SH A study of man's original sin and his personal sins as well as the transmission of his sin nature to his offspring.

TH-510 or TH-710 Covenant Theology 1 4SH
An exegetical and systematic theological study of the doctrine that God deals with man covenantally.

TH-511 or TH-711 Covenant Theology II: History of Development 4SH
Beginning with late medieval attempts to relate God's sovereignty in predestination and grace with man's responsibility and role in the reception of grace, this course traces the development of covenantal thought through the Reformation era to the present.

TH-512 or TH-712 Sacraments 4SH
An examination of the theological basis and the practical administration of the Christian sacraments. Students will be exposed to a variety of perspectives.

TH-601 or TH-801 Soteriology 4SH
A study of the remedy of sin by salvation through Jesus Christ's atonement.

TH-602 or TH-802 Ecclesiology 4SH A study of the church of Jesus Christ. 

TH-603 or TH-803 Eschatology 4SH
A study of the end times and the various eschatological perspectives.

TH-604 or TH-804 The Gift of Prophecy 4SH
A careful examination of the gift of prophecy.

TH-605 or TH-805 Arminian Theology 4SH A study that expounds the proposition that God through His sovereignty has chosen to respect the moral freedom that he delegated to His human creatures.

TH 606 or TH 806 Calvinistic Theology 4SH A study of the Five Points of Calvinism: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints.

TH-607 or TH-807 Integrative Theology I 4SH This course integrates various theologies in a distinct methodology rather than studying each of them independently. 

TH-608 or TH-808 Integrative Theology II 4SH
A continuation of Integrative Theology I.

TH-609 or TH-809 Integrative Theology III 4SH A continuation of Integrative Theology II.
TH-610 or TH-810 Advanced Apologetics 4SH Examines the classical arguments for the existence of God, the philosophical issues which confront contemporary apologetics, and gives a critique on presuppositional apologetics.

TH-611 or TH-811 Renewal Theology I 4SH A Charismatic perspective emphasizing previously neglected or inadequately treated aspects of theology by Charismatics. Subjects of study are God, the world, and redemption.

TH-612 or TH-812 Renewal Theology II 4SH A continuation of Renewal
Theology I. Subjects include the Holy Spirit and Christian living.

TH-613 or TH-813 Motivational Gifts 4SH
A study of the seven Motivational Gifts listed in Romans 12. A special view of these gifts as personality types is discussed, and students will discover their spiritual gifts.

TH-614 or TH-814 Ministry Gifts 4SH
A study of the Ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4.

TH-615 or TH-815 Manifestations of the Spiritual Gifts 4SH A study of the
Manifestations of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12. 

TH-616 or TH-816 Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts 4SH Investigating the perpetuity of spiritual gifts.

TH-490 Bachelor's Thesis 8SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in theology.

TH-690 Master's Thesis 8 SH The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in theology.

TH-890 Doctoral Dissertation 8 SH
The student selects, with the approval of the mentor, a topic in theology.

Custom Developed Majors and Courses

We offer the opportunity to those who want to develop majors and/or study courses not specifically mentioned in this catalog. As long as we have a faculty member who is available and is an expert in the field that you wish to study, you may, with the mentor's help, develop a special program of study. Also, in some cases a student may already have someone in mind who is an expert in the field. Some have asked if their pastors, or former professors, or colleagues in ministry may function as their mentors. As long as the person is qualified and agrees with the CES Statement of Faith, the answer is yes. Qualified means having a degree from an accredited school in the subject matter to be studied.

So, a student working with a mentor may design virtually any program leading to a degree. Here are just some examples of classes and/or programs that could be developed:
        The Postmodern influence on modern theology
        The pneumatic theology of Luke/Acts
        Missions to specific peoples or cultures
        Old Testament Hebrew Poetry
        TV Evangelism's theological influence on modern theology and society
        Research of a specific theologian and his teachings
        African American theological influence on modern theology
        The New Cults: new cults developed in the last 20 years
        And many, many more

Virtually any topic under the category and within the boundaries of religious studies can be developed.

Custom majors & courses